March 30, 2009 was my first day back in school, and I was so motivated. I was finally going to finish my B.S. degree (a name that I will never stop chuckling at), and to make things even more exciting I was attending my first University. Up until that point I had bounced around between community colleges, determined not to pay for a "real" education until I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. Portland State seemed like a dream come true; it held that "real" college prestige, but the classrooms were still small and intimate, and the teachers all seemed so friendly and helpful. I jammed through my first two semesters with all the ease of an honor student. I looked forward to coming home and reading/studying every night away, and I asked my teachers for extra homework assignments just to insure my 'A' standing.
Then came summer.
I am the kind of person who requires busy work. I am psychologically incapable of having nothing to do for extended periods of time. Sure, if I'd been employed summer would have been a snap. I could have worked longer hours, and kept my brain and body motivated. But, of course, I was unemployed, and, post summer term, I had no classes for one full month. The first two weeks proved extremely difficult; I was battling sheer boredom with The Harry Potter series, and I forced myself to leave the apartment at least once a day to get coffee or hang out with people. However, by week four (the week before last), I was well used to having no responsibilities. So, just as I had begun to settle into a completely care-free existence...
Then came the first day of school, all over again.
I am having a lot of trouble motivating myself to read and do homework this time around. Being back in school seems almost surreal. The hamster in my brain has been enjoying his time off, and is hesitant to jump back in his spinny-wheel just yet. This weekend (translation: RIGHT NOW), I need to read 70 pages and write a 500 word essay for one class, and read a combined 75 pages for my other two classes. I haven't even started yet. As a matter of fact, writing this blog was an excellent stalling technique.
...And writing that last sentence was an excellent motivator for signing off and picking up a text book. I think I'll head up to Palio for some coffee and quiet reading time. Until we meet again!
I feel your pain. I went to the pied cow to study and drank two beers and ate dessert instead... I can't seem to find the motivation after having a few years off!