The reality is things have been rather hectic these past few months. I moved, started a new job and a new school semester, registered for the GRE (yikes!), revitalized my other blog (Life Beyond Gluten), and (dun, dun, dunnnnn) started a twitter account. Okay, so the twitter account took about five seconds to create, but everything else has been very time intensive. I promise! Anyway, things have gotten a little crazy over here, and by 'over here' I mean in my brain. I seriously might be losing it. I just don't have the same chutzpah anymore.
I have two theories as to why my energy/dedication/sanity may be wavering:
- I feel completely overwhelmed by the fact that I am going to school AND working AND studying for a test that will ultimately decide whether I get into grad school next year or take a year off to twiddle my thumbs for a while (melodramatic much?).
- For the first time in a long time I am living somewhere that I don't hate, that isn't tiny, and that has built in friends, fun, and relaxation. For the past two years Christopher and I have been cohabiting in a terrifically small studio apartment, which I was more than willing to escape from to work in the school computer labs every available moment. Now, that extra push of external motivation is gone. I didn't realize how much of my success was relying on that.
That having been said, I really do enjoy blogging. It's relaxing and fun, and provides me with a place to expel my inner thoughts out into the universe. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am going to start blogging more often. At least once per month, for the love of Pete!
I realize this wasn't much of an update, so I will write more tomorrow. No really, I will. Seriously.
Lindsey out!
Liar Liar pants on fire.